Rubriik: Forex Trading

  • A new age for energy and commodity trading

    Geopolitical events such as conflicts or sanctions on major gas-producing countries can also have an impact on the market. Spot prices, futures and options are three ways to trade energy commodities. You can use view today’s analyst ratings and price targets a spread betting or contract for difference (CFD) trading account to trade all of…

  • CFD Leverage: Strategies and Risks

    However, while leverage can have a dramatically positive effect on your trading, it nevertheless presents a range of risks and dangers, and is all too often the ruin of even experienced traders. Leverage can work both for you and against you in equal measure, and the higher earnings of leverage wouldn’t be possible without a…

  • S&P Global Composite PMI economic index from the United States

    A composite PMI is also published alongside the services PMI, which is a GDP-weighted average of the manufacturing and service sector data. Some countries also have construction PMIs and Whole Economy PMIs, also released towards the start of each month. All ISM indexes are diffusion indexes, which measure the extent to which a change is…

  • Closing milestones of the Dow Jones Industrial Average Wikipedia

    Following the Great Recession, it took about five years for the stock market to recover. The easiest way to invest in the Dow may be to buy shares in State Street Global Advisors’ SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF Trust, which trades under the ticker symbol DIA. On Monday, Sept. 15, 2008, Lehman Brothers…

  • Position Trading: What It Is & Top Strategies

    If you develop your chart-reading skills, you can quickly look at a chart and know whether the stock is in an uptrend or downtrend. And you can determine a smart place for your entry, stop-loss, and so much more. You can do it without having to sit in front of your screens all day. Your…